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Kid Friendly Lasagne

Finally found a kid friendly and lower carb combo prep for an easy Italian lasagne dinner, and all prepped in one pot!

ADHD Coaching - Notes

Weekly coaching calls. They are like therapy, couples counselling, and self discovery class all in one.

The 5am Club - Book Notes Part I

I'm only 59 pages in, and so far SO AMAZING. Resonating with me fully right as I need it. It's written in a story format which makes it...

Best choc chip cookies EVER

finally perfected a great chocolate chip cookie recipe, chewy and gooey, perfect for dessert, or lunch, or breakfast, with coffee....

My Corona...

Fuck you Corona, this is all totally fucked trying to do it all from home, COVID19. But also putting magic back into the mundane... so thx.

Who. Am. I. Who I am.

I am cocooned in my office, and I couldn't be happier. It's late, 11pm, I don't care, I am here. Who am I? No but really, WHO AM I????...

Banana Bread with Pizzazz

Keeping it simple as possible to remember, adjust as you need: Wet ingredients (combine in blender): 3-4 nearly dead (very...

Come clean...

Come Clean. If you haven't heard this song, you must. It had me screaming my soul into my car this morning. I’d like to tell you a...

Goodbye pregnant vessel...

July 8, 2019 Dear beautiful body, I know I haven’t always been kind to you, I’m working on that, but you have always been kind to me....


I've been thinking a lot about boundaries in my overnight awake hours. Not of others, from others, or by others, but for myself, from......

Ashwagandha for that STRESS

You know how timing in your life is a funny thing? Do you see it? Do you see when that random email comes through about how to combat...

IsaLean peanut butter bars

There's really not much to say. Newborn mother (of three), thought she'd have time to whizz up green smoothies once the baby was born; I...

Fitbit for the fat bits...

To Apple watch or not to apple watch, that is the question. Is a smart watch a smart idea, or just something to make you more stressed...

Controlling Your Emotions

I listened to this on Tim Ferriss' podcast a while ago. It resonated with me so damn much that I listened to it over and over, letting...

Wildly Improbable Goals

In my quest to consolidate all of my notes and learnings into one place (hello, Flarbulous) I find myself skimming through drafts of...

The Hungry Ghost

My psychologist recently told me about the “hungry ghost”... I had no idea what it was but, like most things, I diligently put a note...

ABS Writing (Blog format): Blog2
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