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Ashwagandha for that STRESS

You know how timing in your life is a funny thing? Do you see it? Do you see when that random email comes through about how to combat...

Amplify Your Life - Notes

Last month I attended this half day workshop in Rozelle. A bit last minute, and on a whim that I should, so I didn't know what to...

30 Days to change a lifetime...

I think we put too much pressure on January to perform for us. Kickstart ALL our new habits, lose our lifetime of protective layers...

Notes: Heal Your Guts

'Gut'. 'Guts'. I digress. These are the notes from a talk I went to at the Golden Door Hunter Valley from Lee herself, of...

Give the gift of Health

I recently started on a holistic nutrition journey a few months ago and I, feel, amazing. I don't have all the answers of the what and...

Stop the press, I'm cleaning!

There's something you don't know about me, but it (might) be obvious if you came over. I'm not a cleaner, I'm a tidier. I'd rather see...

Oil Pulling - Why & How

Notes: 1 tablespoon coconut oil Swish, push, pull around in mouth, through teeth, for as long as tolerable (10-20 minutes) Spit out in...

ABS Writing (Blog format): Blog2
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