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The 5am Club - Book Notes Part I

I'm only 59 pages in, and so far SO AMAZING. Resonating with me fully right as I need it. It's written in a story format which makes it...

Controlling Your Emotions

I listened to this on Tim Ferriss' podcast a while ago. It resonated with me so damn much that I listened to it over and over, letting...

Wildly Improbable Goals

In my quest to consolidate all of my notes and learnings into one place (hello, Flarbulous) I find myself skimming through drafts of...

The Hungry Ghost

My psychologist recently told me about the “hungry ghost”... I had no idea what it was but, like most things, I diligently put a note...

Read: Big Magic - Notes

Elizabeth Gilbert just cracked me out of my protective shell and into a puddle of creative possibility. I had been talking about 'shame'...

Amplify Your Life - Notes

Last month I attended this half day workshop in Rozelle. A bit last minute, and on a whim that I should, so I didn't know what to...

When toddler's hit...

My boys have been fighting a bit lately, and it involves a hit and then a few swift scratches from my toddler, and I don't know what to...

ABS Writing (Blog format): Blog2
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