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Network Marketing - Where do i start??

And why we're all Wombats.

Network Marketing.  Words I never gave much thought to until a little while ago.  They make sense, ‘market to my network’, but they are elusive… ‘who exactly is my network?  And what am I marketing to them??’

Sounds a little scary, doesn’t it?  First, it implies I need to know lots of people, and I’m not that outgoing to begin with.  And second, I need to sell them something??  Ooh, yeah, no thanks.

I don’t blame you.  That was me too.  Don’t get me wrong, I dreamed about becoming a sales manager, so I could wine and dine and schmooz people; in my mind that’s all sales people do.  Right??  BUT.  I never actualised that fantasy because I would squirm at just the THOUGHT of doing all of it because I’m trying to sell something to someone.  Brrrr, sends shivers up my spine with uncomfortableness just thinking about it.  Thanks but no thanks.

I know what you’re thinking, "So then why the hell are you here K, and what’s the difference between selling and network marketing??"  Great question, and here’s the thing:

We are all wombats.

All of us.  Every single human on this planet practically.  And that’s not an insult, here me out.


           Obsess and
           The Time.


W.O.M.B.A.T.  And you are too.  Don’t believe me?  Okay, answer this.  What’s your favourite restaurant.  Got one?  Have you ever recommended someone to eat there?  Sure you have.  You’re a marketer.  What about that compliment you got on your shirt, shoes, ring, outfit?  Did you say ‘Thanks!  I got it at ___.’ You sure did, and that would be marketing to your network.  How about something as simple as telling your friend how much you love your new SNS manicure, you’ve never tried it before, but you’re obsessed now.  You just sold the dream of nicer nails to a friend.  And you didn’t even know it.

We do it all the time.  Favourite TV show, best pizza, worst service, wonderful experience, great hotel, awful flight, super shoes, obsess over online buy, blog, podcast, instagram account.  You name it, you market it.  Even a bloody, ‘I like apples!’ well good!  You just put that in someone’s head.

And that’s all I’m asking you to do.  But only if you believe in what you’re marketing.  Because that’s the only way that it won’t feel like marketing at all.  Then it’s just another brand you’re obsessed with; telling people all about it, except this time you get paid if they like it too.

Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was like that??  Recommend a grocery store, and BAM! Cash in pocket when they buy.  Tell someone about a great practitioner, and BOOM! Commission in your account when they visit.  Man!  That would be the life.  I would be so successful!  Without even trying!  And that’s all that network marketing is too.  And you can be so successful at that when you’re authentic about something you’re in love with, just because of the way it makes YOU feel.  Healthy and abundant.  Who wouldn’t want to share that?

"But, but, but, I feel weird making people spend their money on something that I told them to…!"

Ohhhh, girl, guy, girl, I hear you!!! I raise my hand with you and say, that’s me!  Yep, I was too.  

And then one day I went to see a woo woo kinesiology lady (I say woo woo, but I’m totally subscribing to her magic more with every visit, she’s amazing.)  And I explained my dilemma:

“I want to really give network marketing a go.  I want to try something different and prove I can be successful and take a different path that gives me more finance and freedom.  But I feel so uncomfortable thinking about people spending their hard-earned money, all because I told them to.  I don’t feel worthy to do that; it makes me want to emotionally throw up on the spot.”

“You like the products though, right?  They make you feel good?” she asked.

“I LOVE them!  I feel amazing.  I’ve never felt this good before, and I’m sure it’s a combination of many things but I feel so healthy, and happy and alive.  They’re really that good!” I explained.

“Then how could you not?” she replied.

How could I not…??

“You love the way they make you feel.  You’ve seen them have a positive impact on your life, they’ve improved your health.  How could you NOT tell the people you care about, about something like that??”

Wow, that’s deep.  She just flipped my script and reversed it.

“It’s not for you to decide what other people’s opinions are going to be,” she went on.  “You’re not forcing them to do anything they don’t want to do.  If they’re not interested, they’ll say no.  If they are, they’ll say yes.  You don’t have any influence on deciding that for them.  It’s entirely their choice.”

It’s entirely their choice.

I have been learning so much on this early journey of network marketing and more than just how to promote a system I’m passionate about.  That sentiment, the notion that I’m inconveniencing people, or feeling like I’m burdening them with my opinion, completely dissipated that day.  And I’m not talking about telling people about a product, but inviting friends over for dinner, or meeting up with them for a coffee – there was always this nag of a Critic in my head saying "you know there are plenty of other better things your friend could be doing with their time, other than catching up with YOU.  You know that, right?"  What a bitch!  And with the flip of that switch she was gone.  I AM worthy.  I AM valuable to people’s lives.  My opinions DO matter.  I CAN make a difference in the lives of others.

Deep down those statements had nothing to do with being a wombat, and everything to do with my internal critics, who had been lecturing me my whole life.  And in an instant of woo-woo, I got to declare, “Actually #*ck-face, that’s not true.  I AM worthy.” And step forward in my life to a better self.

If people don’t want to meet with you, they’ll say no.  If they aren’t interested in your opinion, they’ll tell you.  But if they love you like you love them, they’ll be all ears for what you have to say, and you’ll give them full respect to have their own opinion, without trying to predict it.

Maybe these are things you already know.  Maybe I’m the only slow learner here, but I wanted to share that with you so you understand that I’m not the typical ra-ra cheerleader, ice-to-eskimos, outgoing, fearless, I love Sales, type of person.  I’m just me.  With a conscience, a built up bravery, and an up-and-coming confidence in myself.  And that feels damn amazing.

I challenge you to feel that too.  I dare you to try and expose yourself to the possibility of a fail.  And open yourself to the fathom-ability of success.  Because you can succeed at ANYTHING you set your mind to.  If you don’t believe it, just keep telling yourself that until you do. Look at me; do I want to be showing you all these insides of my Self?  The vulnerabilities, the insecurities, the invitation to let you form and opinion and judgement of me???  Oh, hellll no!  But here I am, one foot in front of the other, one word after the next, just doing it with the reckless abandon of knowing at least I gave myself a chance to try.  How could I ever consider that a fail?

This is abundant amazing, beautiful life.  Come what may; for all of us.

Be brave!  Call me.

K x 

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