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Let's talk Wealth.

Financial pressure and stress are detrimental to your overall health.  Passive income is key. 

Let me just say that again.  


"Financial pressure and stress are detrimental to your overall health. 

Passive income is key."


I'm still riding high from the Business Chicks event last week.  Canna Campbell, of the '$1000 Project' movement, was the brilliant woman who said that (above) on Friday, and it stuck.  You can read more about that here.


What I'm a part of, and what I'm suggesting you do with me, does not start as passive income.  You need to hustle for the muscle (but in such a fun way!) But once you gain momentum, it does have a passive income component to it.


Here's the long and the short of it.  You can earn extra income simply by helping people get healthy, and helping them get paid.


Let's repeat that.  You can get money in your pocket, simply by:


Helping people get healthy, and helping them get paid.



You share, they share.  Repeat.  It really is that simple.  


And here's the simple explanation: 

  • When you share, you get paid, anywhere form $80-$160 for each person you sign up to buy a health pack and autoship membership.

  • When THEY share, you get paid similar to the above, but you also start getting 'points' that accumulate as they sign people up, plus the members you have buying products each month, it all adds up.

  • The more 'points' you accumulate, the more passive income you start to receive each WEEK.  And that's the key.

  • Passive income, frees up your time, gives you more freedom to sign up more members, pays you more 'you share, they share' type bonuses, generates more passive income on top.


Winning.  Winning!! 


And all for the low low 'investment' cost of buying a brown box of products each month.  The box that gives you nutrients, makes you healthier, and replaces many of your meals in that month.  So really, it's not like a typical investment at all.  It's better.  


The best part is, the upside is limitless.  There are no ceilings or caps, the income potential is as high as YOU want to take it.  I'm talking MILLIONS of dollars.


That's where I'm heading. 

Who's coming with me?


K x




Disclaimer:  The explanations above are nice and easy for simplistic purposes only.  The numbers are real as of today, and AUD, but I imagine are subject to change.  The results of the MILLIONAIRES aren't guaranteed or a given, you have to WORK for them.  In my opinion, it's a fun kind of work, you can learn more about that here.  But the 'points' I refer to have a more detailed calculation to them, there are legs and cycles, and I'll gladly talk you through EVERYTHING I know.  But for the purposes of illustrating a point, I kept it simple.




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