This is my why.
It's time to re-write the plot of your life.
It’s time to elevate. To share the knowledge I’ve learned and believe in my heart will enhance your life too. Why now? Until now I believed I needed to have it ALL figured out... Today I realise it will take me a lifetime (gulp!) to be the ultimate 10.0 version I dream of becoming. It’s time to flip the switch from victim to victor. It’s time to live my best life and know I am worthy of it. To love love LOVE myself and not be afraid I’ll outshine anyone anymore. It’s not for me to worry about how I will make others feel, but it is my passion to help them evolve and grow.
I am allowed to have financial abundance and to TALK about that openly and share my wisdom of the same abundance potential with you! I’m allowed to talk about good days and bad days and feel all the feels without thinking that you might have an expectation that it’s all hearts, rainbows, and never a drop of rain, or more fab than flarb.
The truth is, something brought you here. Us here. And this time it's different, we KNOW better, we get to choose a new outlook for today and our tomorrows, we rewrite the script. Of our own story. No one else. We say our plot will be beautiful and it WILL be. We start to shed the layers of the past that no longer serve us and our new story. And most importantly, we feel every feeling.
We feel every feeling.
We just sit with it. Gently acknowledge it. Accept it as a feeling, and breathe. Suddenly that feeling starts to vibrate, in a good way. Be it the pit of your stomach, the tightness in your chest, the ball in your throat, the scowl in your brow. We just sit with it. We feel. And suddenly that emotion feels like it belongs to us, and it lets go of its stress hold on our bodies. Suddenly we are no longer afraid, no longer yearning to numb it away with food or sugar or alcohol. We are content to just be... what a strange feeling. Well, get used to it friend because that feeling is called love and acceptance and you just took your first step towards the better version of you that you imagine. It's time to nourish your body and treat it like the high-functioning system it really is. Not because you have to, but because you want to. You know you are worthy of living the best life, not letting it slip by in a slew of distractions and reasons of 'Why Not.' Breathe into this, you can do it.
Close your eyes and see the vision of you in your best life. Keep her in your dreams, and acknowledge her progress in real life. It's not instant or overnight, but you have to love (do a little happy dance for) each step that you take in the direction of your goals. You have come such a long way, and there’s so much more you want to do! So much more you GET to do, how lucky is that?? How lucky are we.
Love this life and everything in it; that especially means YOU. It's flarbulous.
K x