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This is where the magic happens...

Clean day, cleanse day, intermittent fasting, call it whatever you like.  It's torture sometimes, but it's wonderful.  I cannot count the number of doctors, experts, podcasts, articles that support it, but do your own research.  All I know, is that I did it to the letter once in the past 30 days and I walked to work the next day, literally on a cloud, loving life, almost feeling TOO giddy.  I had to stop in my tracks and say 'self, did you just try to complain that you are TOO happy?? Geez, you're tough to please.' and correct.  It's not always easy, but it is simple, and it's worth it.

hourly cleanse schedule.jpg

In summary:


  • Every 3 Hours: Berry Drink (2 scoops)

  • Every Hour after that: 2 Isa snack wafers (suck them to savour them longer)

  • Every Hour after that: 1 IsaDelight Chocolate or an E-shot (or maybe a coffee with soy, just saying)

  • Repeat the steps above 3 more times.

  • Get to bed nice and early and honour your beautiful body's cleanse.


More answers to your cleanse questions here if you need.


Some facts about the importance of incorporating cleanse days, here.


Intermittent fasting and a healthy lifestyle, here.


but it's not just the CLEANSE DAYS that make me feel amazing. 

Find out more.

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