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Cha Cha Cha Chia! Pudd...

Updated: Mar 6, 2019

Chia Pudding

1 x Can/400ml Light Coconut Milk 

1/3 x Cup of chia seeds

1 x pinch of cinnamon

1 x squeeze of honey / agava syrup / something sweet (1 tsp)

Place all ingredients into a bowl or jar; using a whisk gently stir to ensure all the chia seeds are separated, or just not clumped together.  Refridgerate for 1-2 hours, or overnight, and presto!  

Over achievers can give it a whisk every 20 min or so 2-3 times to ensure the chia's are not clumping and add more seeds/milk as needed.  Yes this recipe can be done with water instead of milk, but that's boring.

thanks Wix for the photo, I haven't tried to pretty mine up like this yet.

A few years ago, I got into the Chia seed craze.  I was more mesmerized by them taking on their gel like form, think tadpole eggs, than my son was with his first episode of 'In The Night Garden'.  They triple in size, go from seed to slop, but that makes them better, flarbulous to a T.  They are so good for you I can hardly remember all the good things they have, other than lots of protein, fiber, and Omega 3, which is great considering I mostly think of fish and vitamins for that overly essential nutrient.  And lots of fish means, potentially lots of exposure to pollutants (just my own theory) from all the gunk that gets dumped in our waters.  Chias (as I shall name them) make you feel full without the flarb, and that's a see worth fighting for.


I digress.  I'm no nutritionist so I'll link straight to the pros that can give you the facts, like Oprah, yes-many-of-my-links-are-Oprah-related-thanks-for-noticing, and Google.

And back to the fun stuff.  Eating.  Chia pudding is the easiest, healthiest thing to make.  Just keep in mind, it's healthy, and that means it's going to taste that way; you wouldn't finish off an indulgent meal with Chia Pudd, but you would feed it to your baby for breakfast, or snack on it like yoghurt, or cherish it as a guilt-free dessert with some fresh passion fruit or mango on top, especially when you're in de-flarbing mode.  Sprinkle the seeds in your juice, dressings, baking, whatever.  I've even heard you can use it as a substitute to eggs in your baking, but I have no idea if that's true because eggs are so. good.


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