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Found It! Our engagement video...

Since posting about Inspired Stories, I broke my own heart by not being able to find the engagement video I bragged about (the PROOF that I indeed have loved making videos like these I just don't have the time... or maybe I don't love *making* them as much as I do watching them... I digress.)

BUT here it is!! I don't know how long it will live on here for, because it uses music that needs permission to use, but at least I have it saved somewhere now - and the whole point of creating this site in the first place.

My message to you (and by 'you' I mean ME): Capture more meaningful memories - gather the photos, make the videos, take the time, make the effort. It doesn't need to be perfect, you will cherish it later.

Last night, I came home from visiting my husband in the hospital and I was tired and depleted. I sent him a photo of my giant pregnant body, and then, I took a video. That video is just for me, but it is a real candid shot of me being pregnant for the very last time. It is raw footage of a miracle that I've never taken before. I won't remember how fat I felt or how crazy I look naked (okay maybe I will) but I KNOW in my heart I will marvel at this time, when my body made a human. Take meaningful photos, and keep them somewhere save, and stay organised with them so they're like a treasure chest of history for years and generations to come. Don't do it for them, just do it for you, and THEY will be grateful.



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