Here goes nothing, the start of a site to live my better life. I always used to say 'best life' until one day I realised it was setting the bar too high for me. I couldn't settle for anything but BEST, 'better' was just not good enough. It gave me anxiety. Starting this site (as in attempting to years and years ago) has also given me anxiety. What should it be like, what would it say? Who would read it? What would they think? Over-over-over analyse over-over-and-over.
And here we are.
Do you know who this site is for? ME. And do you know why? Because I forget shit, and start things and don't finish things, and want to remember that one thing, and where was that article I read that I really really liked? Or that recipe, or that writing saved?
Here. Now here. My central go to for living my better life, and I'm breathing a little easier because of it.