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Kid-friendly: Banana Muffins

Yep, so excited about the muffins I didn't take a photo (yet!)

And by kid friendly, I mean they're healthy, quick, AND it was easy for the boys to help me make them.


2-3 bananas (about 1 cup - the browner the better/sweeter)

2 eggs

2 cups flour (whole wheat or T00 are what I've used)

1/3 cup oats

1/3 cup milk

1/3 cup coconut oil

1/3 cup agave syrup (or maple/honey)- *less if your bananas are very ripe

1tsp vanilla

1tsp baking soda

1tsp cinnamon

1tsp salt (less if you prefer less)


Preheat oven to 170 Celsius (convection/fan forced ideal)

In a glass measuring cup, melt coconut oil in microwave.

Pour into large bowl ; measure syrup in measuring glass and pour into bowl and mix.

Break eggs into measuring glass (remove shells if kids are helping), pour into bowl and whisk.

Mash bananas in measuring glass, add to bowl, measure milk, add to bowl and mix.

Add flour, vanilla, soda, cinnamon, salt to bowl and mix until combined. Add oats and repeat.

Grease muffin tin with coconut oil on paper napkin, portion batter into 12 tins using a measuring cup to keep it (fairly) even - or just eyeball it if the kids are helping.

Sprinkle a few extra oats on each for decoration.

Oven for 20 minutes - or until toothpick comes out clean - let cool, and remove with a knife.

Notes: the muffins will be moist because, bananas, so don't panic if they seem undercooked, trust the toothpick. Try to use the measuring glass and a measuring cup for everything to minimise mess - winning! To eat: reheat, smear butter, sprinkle of salt, heaven & health.


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