I'm going to work backwards in my posts about Kinesiology, stay with me.
I first saw a Kinesiologist last year, after my father in law past away unexpectedly in my home. I was naive to what they do or how they help (something to do with energy) but I was willing to trying ANYTHING to help me out of the pain that I was in.
Today was my third time seeing Lisa at The Inner Sage, and today it finally hit me. Lisa, to me, she's a life coach first, and a kinesiologist second. I can give her my dilemmas and she gives me objective non judgmental guidance. Her work clearing my blocks, balancing my body, expelling my unneeded energies, that's just a bonus for me (and a really amazing one at that.) My notes and a-ha's from today's session.
Your goal for the session:
To be in attunement with your feelings and emotions to trust in yourself to make clear decisions. To be brave and courageous in your worthiness and self love.
Your emotions are just your emotions. Angry , sad, happy, they are not good or bad, they are just emotions. The best thing to do is simply feel them, acknowledge their presence, and feel them. Eventually they will dissolve and a different one will appear.
Your courage is giving you stress... (Yep, it sure was.)
Instead of stepping out of your comfort zone, expand it. Test the waters, build the bridge. Instead of jumping off a cliff, what can you build to get you to the other side? A bridge? Start with that, expand your zone of comfort.
Get comfortable with understand what shame is. (This was from my Brene Brown on Netflix revelations...more on that soon.)
Do not fear differing opinions, be grateful that the person disagreeing with you has made room for someone else to come to you that you can work with. Just because they say no, it is not because of you, it is because the option is not right for them right now. It is not you. It is them.
Balance Support
Consider reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Read this article re: rejection
Shame awareness - of doing it to others and of when others are doing it to you.
When you feel panicked, isolated, guilty, shame, loneliness, separation anxiety hold the L20 points + GV20 + GV24 for 30 to 60 seconds and again you could also do this at least twice per week:
Bottom line: I highly recommend reaching out to Lisa at The Inner Sage, especially if you're in Sydney, and in a funk, crossroads, or in need of a reset.
(Oh and PS her sessions are TAX DEDUCTIBLE because they are professional development!)