I try to do my own 'super soul Sunday self care' sessions regularly, which is a fancy way of saying, on Sunday mornings I go for a walk, alone, and listen to soul nourishing podcasts.
This was one of the many from Goop that I'm a fan of, definitely listen to here, in the meantime, these are my notes to self:
On becoming healthy: “If somebody doesn’t care. It’s hard to make someone care.”
Herbs. Everybody’s body is different. “All of us need to consume more herbs and spices.”
Cilantro and parsley are way more nutrient dense than kale.
The therapeutic compounds in turmeric are really so much stronger than what’s in kale.
"When we use the term ‘food is medicine’ its most true for herbs and spices. They were used as medicine. I know for sure we all need more of those."
Everybody can benefit from turmeric. Turmerone found in turmeric essential oils. Helps boost stem cells and help heal damaged nerve cells, helps heal the brain.
Ginger can benefit everyone.
Ashwaganda if you have thyroid issues or adrenal fatigue.
Brain health: CBD oil is amazing. Lions mane mushroom. Helps nerve tissue heal.
Rosemary Essential oil for brain health.
Fertility: Astragalus. And dong quai. Eating foods like pumpkin, squash, cinnamon. Blueberries. Seaweed, spiralina, cholerella. Hormone balancing herbs, clary sage.
Gut health; probiotics. Lions mane mushroom. Ginger. Peppermint or peppermint essential oil.
Bone broth and collagen, building blocks to repair gut. Easy to digest foods, broth, coconut oil, cooked vegetables. For gut and thyroid issues.
Ashwagandha and turmeric. “Take it, it’s going to be good for you.”
Ketogenic diet. Do it for 30 days more as a cleanse, not long term.
Dong quai is amazing for women right before their period. Builds blood. And others.
“Love intermittent fasting. I think it can be great.”
- Dr. Axe
The topic of Protein:
1/3 of all of your body’s protein is collagen. Your skin, nails, bones, organs, etc.
Collagen should make up 20-30g a day of your protein.
Bone broth and collagen are one of our biggest deficiencies today. It’s a macro nutrient and some people are getting none of it in their diet. Skins issues.
Bone broth has collagen boosters in it too, plus collagen.
There is more collagen than calcium in your bones. It’s just as important if not more important for you kids and their bones. It’s important for everybody.
Protein – what’s the ideal breakdown:
It depends on the person. If someone is being very active, they need more protein. The bigger issue is the imbalance of the type of protein we are getting into our diets.
Getting more collagen protein in their diet is really important for balancing out those branch chain amino acids, and muscle building proteins.
"I think most people, 25 grams, three times a day.
One of those servings could be collagen, two others those branch chain amino acids.
I think that’s ideal for someone who’s mild or moderately active."
- Dr. Axe
[K's Note: Branch chain amino acid proteins are those found in IsaLean protein shakes, so consuming two of those a day is ideal to achieve the protein intake Dr. Axe recommends!]
[Read this article for more: Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids needed to build muscle.]
Pho tea is the anti aging herb in Chinese medicine
Essential oils.
Cinnamon oil. 6 drops a day max.
Oil of oregano. 10 days internally max for colds and flu.
Dish-washing detergent, traces can be found in your system, and be harmful.
Diffuse oils in your house.
All of these herbs. None of them heal you. Your body heals itself.
Dampness in the body – if you have candida you have dampness.
Forms are white coating on your tongue, mucus – like a wet basement somewhere.
Most dampening foods are sugar, wheat, products, egg whites, oils, avocados, bananas, cold foods.
Foods that are drying tend to be bitter foods, milk thistle, dandelion, artichoke, beets, arugula, herbs are the most bitter food category and work very well at drying up dampness.
Doctor Josh Axe. www.draxe.com