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Stop the press, I'm cleaning!

koh cleaning product benefits
Koh, tell everyone.

There's something you don't know about me, but it (might) be obvious if you came over. I'm not a cleaner, I'm a tidier. I'd rather see everything put away (sometimes that just means out of site, and squirreled in a cupboard, more on that later) than clean and crowded with mess. Brrrrr, I shiver at the thought.

Here's the other thing you don't know. My mother-in-law died at 60 of lung cancer; she never smoked a day in her life, but she DID own a cleaning company back in the day. And she knew how to keep a CLEAN and tidy house (how, how????) And nothing was ever confirmed but those two facts stuck with me; perhaps the cleaning products did it. I've been wary of them ever since (that's my excuse anyway.)

Look, I clean, I clean! I Windex everything, especially counter tops to keep them shiny, I magic eraser walls, I try to deep clean the floors with every potion imaginable, and then I give up.

Until there was one....

Ready, Set, Koh.

Koh started stalking me on Instagram... I wasn't taking the bait. But it kept telling me, it's ONE product that can do it ALL, most importantly, it said it's SAFE. And it ultimately reduces extra bottles of chemicals (think, more tidy!) fewer random rags (hello, Marie Kondo) and they give back. I'm impressed.

But could it live up to the hype? For me it has so far. I ordered the biggest bundle, on sale for $145, (about the same as our family eating out for dinner,) so I could have it all and be done with ordering. I had faith. And so far it doesn't disappoint! It zaps blood off the wall when I ninja-attack a mosquito, it took the curry off the kitchen bench like *that*, and it cleaned up the puddle of wee my son made in front of the fridge with a few sprays of the mop...

So far I'm a happy cleaner; I have one sprayer and few cloths under the kitchen/laundry/bathroom sink so they're always within reach. I know it won't always be *spray and zap* miracle moments, but then I'll remind myself how safe Koh is (and good for my bad allergies) and I'll be content.

DO IT: If you want $10 off, order through this link and you'll see the $10 zap off at checkout!

benefits of koh cleaning, giving back to the planet, helping the environment.
This makes the anti-waster & give-backer in me so happy.


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