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Wildly Improbable Goals

In my quest to consolidate all of my notes and learnings into one place (hello, Flarbulous) I find myself skimming through drafts of notes in my email... a place where many things end up, the electronic junk drawer...

But low and behold, Miss Oprah Winfrey floats to the top with a beautiful article by Martha Beck about WIGs.

I first learned about WIGs over ten years ago I think - they're a mix between a vision board and intuition. I didn't (don't) always get it right, but lately I think I've been honing in on them a bit more; "Write the book." "Buy the house." "Try the things that make you uncomfortable." "Share your feelings." [insert eye roll here.]

I am always fascinated by the activity Martha writes about that involves tricking your brain; this is one I hope to always to remember to try when I'm lost:

"Helping it Happen Once you've met the basic condition of self-care, there are several strategies you might use to lure your WIGs out of hiding. One is to take a pencil in your dominant hand (right for right- handers, left for lefties) and write down a few pointed questions, such as "What are you feeling?" "What do you need?" and "What do you want?" As soon as you've finished writing a question, switch the pencil to your other hand and write whatever words bubble up. You may be surprised. When your problem-solving mind is fully engaged, trying to master the task of writing with the "wrong" hand, hidden aspects of the self often surface. I've seen people encounter full-fledged WIGs in the shaky words written by their own nondominant hand."

But where would I be without WIGs? ... more self critical and less self believing. Sure, I get frustrated when the book didn't write itself, the money didn't manifest into my bank without effort, the job is not as easy as just willing it to happen - I'M AMBITIOUS! I want it all to happen, and happen now, and WHY ISN'T IT DONE ALREADY?? I am not worthy, what was I thinking believing I could actually complete *that*.... I can totally complete it, if they can why can't I?? I need to learn to step out of my zone and just doooo ittttttt, and feeeel itttttt, and breatttthe.... you see where you're going here right... all over the damn shop. Am I alone?

And also share the OG article from 2002 so I remember what it is I'm even talking about.

Oprah Article: Wildly Improbable Goals


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