Have you heard about the Calm app? It costs a bomb for a year and I thought 'no way will I EVER pay that!' until I started listening to their Masterclasses, and suddenly thought, 'there's no way I can't pay $79 for all this wisdom.' And here I am. More on my why about Calm XXHEREXX, in the meantime:
Notes from the Calm Masterclass: Creative living beyond fear
“Let no one keep you from your journey. No rabbi or priest. No mother who wants you to dig for treasures she misplaced....” more of Mark Nepo, Breaking Surface poem here.
What are you doing with your free time?
♥️What are you willing to give up, to have the life you keep pretending that you want?
"You’re going to have to say no to things that you do want to do. You’re going to have to not do a bunch of stuff you want to do, because there’s something you want to do more.
Fear doesn’t understand creativity."
Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden inside of you?
Remind ourselves that we are not fearless. We are brave.
Going head to head against fear, you will always lose, and you will be exhausted. Instead accept the presence of fear, befriend it, allow it to exist. Allow fear to have its voice.
WRITE: Allow fear to write you a letter. 5 minutes. In a notebook. And you listen.
Dear Kristin, I am your fear and this is what I want to tell you....the list is not infinite.
WRITE: A letter in response to fear. From your highest self, witness, wisdom, respectful.
Entitlement. You have the right to be here specifically because you are here. You belong. You are a unique event in the history of the universe. A fundamental knowing of your worth that does not have to be earned.
The cycle of new endeavors can look like this:
Day 1 exciting
Day 2 disappointment
Day 3 show up in their entitlement
You will collapse under the question “who do you think you are” without the entitlement of belonging.
"I am a child of the universe."
WRITE: A permission slip from your highest authority, the Principal.
Dear Kristin,
I am the principal and this is your permission slip.
You have permission to:
(Never send Xmas cards out again)
Then sign it, the Principal.
Put it on letterhead. Carry it with you.
My Why: I have always been a fan of Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat, Pray, Love spoke to my soul in a way that yearned for me to make my move in the world, whatever that might be. To hear her speak, her realness and authenticity, the belief in her words and advice, was reason enough for me to buy the Calm app. The notes above are my quick version of things I want to do, write, remember, but I know I'll be listening to her Masterclass again for a pep talk to keep me on the write track for my passions, my business ventures, crazy ideas. Here's to living a better life. x