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Dear Diary,
Writing for the health of my heart.
Dec 6, 20204 min read
ADHD Coaching - Notes
Weekly coaching calls. They are like therapy, couples counselling, and self discovery class all in one.
May 28, 20206 min read
My Corona...
Fuck you Corona, this is all totally fucked trying to do it all from home, COVID19. But also putting magic back into the mundane... so thx.
Apr 16, 20203 min read
Who. Am. I. Who I am.
I am cocooned in my office, and I couldn't be happier. It's late, 11pm, I don't care, I am here. Who am I? No but really, WHO AM I????...
Apr 14, 20204 min read
What will YOU think about your Self?
The great 2020 pause. Who will I be on the other side of this journey? I need to define her, understand her, and introduce myself to her...
Apr 1, 20209 min read
Come clean...
Come Clean. If you haven't heard this song, you must. It had me screaming my soul into my car this morning. I’d like to tell you a...
Dec 11, 20197 min read
Goodbye pregnant vessel...
July 8, 2019 Dear beautiful body, I know I haven’t always been kind to you, I’m working on that, but you have always been kind to me....
Oct 6, 20192 min read
I've been thinking a lot about boundaries in my overnight awake hours. Not of others, from others, or by others, but for myself, from......
Jun 12, 20192 min read
Found It! Our engagement video...
Since posting about Inspired Stories, I broke my own heart by not being able to find the engagement video I bragged about (the PROOF that...
May 5, 20193 min read
Dear Help,
I feel compelled to write tonight. I’m should-ing on myself a lot. I know I shouldn’t do that (SHOULDn’t do that, Lord I can’t stop!) but...
Mar 24, 20192 min read
Feeling overwhelmed...
There's a familiar tightness in my chest, and an inability to take a full breath at the moment, and I'm not sure why. Am I doing too...
Mar 12, 20193 min read
Are you worthy?
It's been a while since I've thought about this statement. Worthiness is my kryptonite; I remind myself I am worthy more than I...
Mar 2, 20191 min read
Goals: Write them down!
I want this, I want that, I want lots of things. But girl, if you aren't writing them down or saying them aloud (preferably after you've...
Feb 25, 20191 min read
Book: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
It's not often I indulge in a book of fiction; not because I don't want to, but there are SO MANY! And I struggle with making decisions,...
Feb 20, 20193 min read
Giving Children emotional rest...
I attended a parenting course recently called 'Tuning into Kids' at my son's school. I was eager to learn as I signed up, but reluctant...
Jan 30, 20191 min read
To Russia, with love...
Moscow Jan 2019 The beauty of a nation that still lingers with an undercurrent of darkness. They are not pessimistic; they are prepared....
Nov 5, 20181 min read
November 5, 2018
Here goes nothing, the start of a site to live my better life. I always used to say 'best life' until one day I realised it was setting...
Aug 11, 20181 min read
August 11, 2018
This beauty that I look at before me. In the morning light, shining perfectly on her soul. Â She is a miracle. Â Her tired old body has...
Dec 31, 20171 min read
December 31, 2017 NYE
Life is a run in the street. Sometimes you will walk fearlessly in the middle of that street; at others on double lines with uncanny...
May 10, 20165 min read
Hello, it's me.
Dear Flarbulous, Please forgive me for it has been...six months since my last post. You see, I've been busy. Yes, 'busy', the excuse we...
Mar 27, 20165 min read
Easter. To new beginnings...
Easter. Â And I'm as sick a dog. Â Yesterday disguised by allergies, today, stripped away to a mandatory autumn cold. I just want to sleep....
Jan 21, 20152 min read
A thought on being present...
Being present. Once upon a time I had what I like to refer to as a ‘monkey mind.’ There were always a zillion thoughts bouncing around my...
Jan 2, 20153 min read
The Tramp Stamp. To tattoo... or not to do...
This time of year always gets me thinking, not about resolutions, but rather what goals I should set for 2015, what guidelines I should...
Dec 17, 20142 min read
Dear Ragged Tired Mothers, Quit your bitching. Love, Perfection
SELF CARE EXERCISE: Every flarbulous parent should write an astronomically non-sensible letter like this, therapeutic beyond words. ...
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